Книги: Права женщин

The solutions are in our hands: Successful women’s initiatives and campaigns

Категория: Права женщин

E. Gerasimova, I. Kosterina, K. Olson, J.Ostrovskaya

АNO "Center for Social and Labor Rights", Heinrich-Böll-Foundation in Russia, Women’s Bridge, 2013

The conference "Women’s Role in Writing a Gender Agenda for the 21st Century’s Role in Writing a Gender Agenda for the 21st Century" was held on March 20th 2013 in Moscow. The event was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day in Russia.

In preparing the program of the conference, we included an explanation of our motivations for organizing it: “At the end of 2012, a few people who later formed the organizing committee for this conference, asked the following question aloud: in the 100 years since Russian women first celebrated International Women's Day, how have women’s lives in Russia changed?

This best-practices guide includes the stories of activists who spoke at the conference and of their organizations, as well as stories from those who responded to our invitation to tell the story of their project or campaign in the "100 years of March 8th" Facebook group created after the conference.

It includes four stories from foreign guests who participated in the conference, and ten Russian stories. It is our intention that the "best practices"  described in these pages will help people and organizations seeking positive change to come up with new ideas, to meet and establish contacts, to energize and to be inspired by the successes and achievements of others ... and finally to act in order to solve the problems they are facing.

We hope that publishing this collection will be just one continuing step in our initiative. We believe that the public debate about the role of women in society must continue.

It will take continued dialogue and discussion to implement the changes that we need!

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Table of Contents

Why did we decide to publish this best-practices guide?

Obtaining What is Rightfully Yours - Center for Social and Labor Rights

Does the concept of gender exist in Russia? - Heinrich Böll Foundation

“Women’s Bridge” between Russians and expatriates - Women’s Bridge

How to obtain fair laws - Petersburg Aegis 

Citizen parents - The civil society movement “Affordable Early Childhood Education for Russian Children”

Children need to play, and to have a family - The Naked Heart Foundation

Women’s Response to the “Patriarchal Renaissance” - Citizen’s Initiative Group “For Feminism”

For the freedom to choosemotherhood. Lessons from a public campaign. - Coalition for Reproductive Choice “Bouqet of Rowan”

Moms Rising to Power - MomsRising

Women’s economics - The women’s cooperative and business center WeiberWirtschaft

Path to leadership: more ambition, less fear! - Running Start

Equality: From Theory to Practice - The Samara Center for Gender Studies

Don’t be afraid of aging! - The Third Act School of Active Aging

Women Artists Discover a New Perspective - “The Feminist Pencil” project